Hair Types and Porosity

As previously mentioned in the “Getting Started” post. Natural hair encompasses different hair types, and hair type defined is basically the type of curl, coil or kink that your hair has. However, I have always believed that what determines how you take care of your hair is based on your hair porosity. Hair type just helps us with the expectations we need to have for our hair. Do not expect your hair to have luscious bouncy curls when you naturally born with coils or kinkier hair. Always understand that the kinky and coily hair will always appear shorter because it shrinks more than curly hair. Know that because your hair is kinkier or has more coils you cannot always don a wash and go and look as sexy as the sister with the curls, so regardless of your hair type always pay attention to your hair porosity.
The Hair Type Chart

Hair porosity is the hair’s ability to absorb and retain moisture. Porosity is categorized into 3 types: High porosity, normal porosity, and low porosity. High and low porosity being the most common. In the next posts, we will be we will dive into the difference between low and high porosity and how to work with each porosity.

happy growing Natties

Love Letz

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